Using Social Media as a Musician


remember-fingerImportant things to remember

  1. Understand your social media goals
  2. Know your audience
  3. Try to focus on a 1-2 media channels at a time
  4. Check out your competition and learn from them
  5. Be visual

Be innovative

Social media plays a huge role in a musicians career. Trying new media channels and bringing a new style to the market will set them apart.

7 Interesting uses of social media by todays artists

  1. Periscope private concerts by John Mayer
  2. “Swipe right” on Jason Derulo Tinder to hear his new album
  3. Use the app “Shots”
  4. ReverbnationMaking-Music-Matter-Reverbnation-Bleed
  5. Soundcloud
  6. Bandcamp
  7. Snapchat


There are also many social media funding sites for bands and other artists to use. Some of the better ones include: Kickstarter, Go Fund Me, IndieGoGo, and Patreon. On these sites, artists will create a profile with a description of why they are asking for donations, and provide the goal value. kickstarter-logo


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